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Title: Automatic Generation of Titles for a Corpus of Questions
Authors: Cardeñosa, Jesús
Carolina, Carolina
Keywords: Summarization
Text Processing
Subjective Clustering
Content Analysis and Indexing
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA
Abstract: This paper describes the followed methodology to automatically generate titles for a corpus of questions that belong to sociological opinion polls. Titles for questions have a twofold function: (1) they are the input of user searches and (2) they inform about the whole contents of the question and possible answer options. Thus, generation of titles can be considered as a case of automatic summarization. However, the fact that summarization had to be performed over very short texts together with the aforementioned quality conditions imposed on new generated titles led the authors to follow knowledge-rich and domain-dependent strategies for summarization, disregarding the more frequent extractive techniques for summarization.
ISSN: 1313-0455
Appears in Collections:Book 2 Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence

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