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Title: Using Reengineering Techniques for Distance Study Course Improvement
Authors: Tankeleviciene, Lina
Keywords: Distance Study Course
Triple Consistency Principle
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA
Abstract: The paper analyses the reengineering concept as it comes from software engineering and management fields. We combine two viewpoints and apply them to solve a problem of reengineering of a distance study system, in general, and the unit of learning, in particular. We propose a framework for reengineering of unit of learning, based on general model of software reengineering, and present a case study, in which we describe, how one topic of distance study course was reengineered, considering triple consistency principle and requirements for computer science. The proposed framework contributes to increasing quality, effectiveness and systematization of delivering distance studies.
ISSN: 1313-0455
Appears in Collections:Book 6 Methodologies and Tools of the Modern (e-) Learning

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