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Title: The Conception of Creation of Integrated Development Environment for Computer Training Systems
Authors: Shubin, Igor
Shevchuk, Dmitry
Gorbach, Tatiana
Tischenko, Aleksey
Krytsyna, Svitlana
Bilous, Iryna
Keywords: Web-Based Design
Distance Learning
Learning Course Model
Computer-Based Training System
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA
Abstract: The various questions of creation of integrated development environment for computer training systems are considered in the given paper. The information technologies that can be used for creation of the integrated development environment are described. The different didactic aspects of realization of such systems are analyzed. The ways to improve the efficiency and quality of learning process with computer training systems for distance education are pointed.
ISSN: 1313-0455
Appears in Collections:Book 6 Methodologies and Tools of the Modern (e-) Learning

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