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Title: One Application of the Informatics in the Descriptive Geometry
Authors: Karaibryamov, Samet
Tsareva, Bistra
Keywords: Mutual Intersecting
Educational Software
Issue Date: 22-Nov-2010
Publisher: University Press "Paisii Hilendarski", Plovdiv
Abstract: This work acquaints with a program for interactive computer training to students on the subject "Mutual intersecting of pyramids in axonometry ”. Our software is a set of three modules, which we call "student", "teacher" and "autopilot". It gives the final solution of the problem, the traceability of various significant moments in its solution and 3D-image of the finished composition of the two intersecting polyhedra, stripped of the working lines and subjected to rotation and translation.
ISBN: 9789544236489
Appears in Collections:REMIA 2010

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