Accessibility Blind Low Vision Screen Reader Braille Display Developer Programing Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Builder DEV-C++
Issue Date:
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Tomov, Z. (2021). Investigation of Accessibility of Some Frequently Use Rapid Aplication Development Environments, Science Series "Innovative STEM Education", volume 03, ISSN: 2683-1333, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 64-71. DOI:
Series/Report no.:
Science Series "Innovative STEM Education", volume 03;08
The object of this article is to discuss some problems, that hav low vision developers using some frequently use rapid application development environments. Particular attention is payd to those of them, that have free versions or are use by high schools and special secondary schools. Accessibility level of main menu, submenus, settings dialog boxes, text edit tools, diagnostic and debugging addressed interface are measure.
Made reference, that summary accessibility level of development environment DEV-C++ does not allow effective work by using screen readers and braille displays. As better is estimated accessibility level of Microsoft Visual Studio, but, mention may here be made of some important components (related to creating GUI and database projects) are fully inaccessible. So, blind developer can without somebody else help create console applications only. Development environment C++ Builder is closely discussed, because by working with it using screen readers and braille displays problems mentioned before does not exist. The circumstance, that this development environment is out-of-date, is not omitted, so it have not any contrivances to develop 64 bit applications and applications for Android.
The article says, that software tools for developers has low level of accessibility, then applications addressed to generally use.