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Title: Teaching M. Auezov's Epic Novel "The Way of Abai" at School
Authors: Kozykanovna, Mukasheva Meruyert
Keywords: Spiritual Heritage
Epic Novel
Problem-Based Learning
Cultural Heritage
National Value
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2023
Publisher: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Citation: Kozykanovna, M. (2023). Teaching M. Auezov's Epic Novel "The Way of Abai" at School. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 9(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 24–36. DOI:
Series/Report no.: Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 9(1);02
Abstract: The article will focus on the spiritual heritage of Mukhtar Auezov, whose name is widely known and has become the pride of world literature and culture. It is considered that the historical and cultural heritage of the writer who presented the great Abai to the world is an inexhaustible treasure. New ways of studying the epic novel "The Way of Abai" by the great writer, master artist M. Auezov, who raised the historical and cultural values of the Kazakh nation into the space of universal values and culture, are considered. The level of teaching of Mukhtar Auezov’s epic novel "The way of Abai" in its degree will be discussed. For this purpose, the school studies the research works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problem of teaching the works of M. Auezov. The research works and technology of the domestic methodologist-scientist, academician K. Bitibaeva are considered in the complete teaching of the novel-epic "The way of Abai". The outstanding works of methodologist-teacher K. Bitibayeva in Abay studies and auezov studies will be shown. Presents K. Bitibaeva's advanced methodology of teaching the epic novel "The way of Abai" through problem analysis and image analysis. The author defines the significance of the technology of the domestic methodologist K. Bitibaeva and suggests applying it in practice at school. Emphasizes the outstanding scientific works of K. Bitibaeva, comprehensively studies her search. It is concluded that teacher technology is used by the community of domestic teachers, as well as its innovativeness prevails.
ISSN: 2367-8038
Appears in Collections:KIN2023, Volume 9, Issue 1

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