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Title: On Compositions in Equiaffine Space
Authors: Badev, Ivan
Keywords: Equiaffine Space
Issue Date: 22-Nov-2010
Publisher: University Press "Paisii Hilendarski", Plovdiv
Abstract: In an equiaffine space q N E using the connection define with projective tensors na and ma the connections 1 , 2 and 3 . For the spaces N N 1A ,2A and N 3A , with coefficient of connection 1 , 2 and 3 respectively, we proved that the affinor of composition and the projective affinors have equal covariant derivatives. It follows that the connection 3 is equaffine as well, and the connections and 3 are projective to each other. In the case where q N E and N 3A have equal Ricci tensors, we find the fundamental nvector . In [4] compositions with structural affinor a are studied. Space containing compositions with symmetric connection and Weyl connection are studied in [6] and [7] respectively.
ISBN: 9789544236489
Appears in Collections:REMIA 2010

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