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Title: Historical Information of Illegal Writings before the Emergence of Traditional Graffiti
Other Titles: Исторически сведения за неофициални надписи преди възникването на съвременните графити
Authors: Zhelev, Simeon
Keywords: Graffiti
Ancient Graffiti
Hobo Writings
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2019
Publisher: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Citation: Zhelev, S. (2019). Historical Information of Illegal Writings before the Emergence of Traditional Graffiti. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 5(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 172–185. DOI:
Series/Report no.: Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 5(2);17
Abstract: With its long history, graffiti varies between very simple written words and exteemly complex wall paintings. We can find examples of these in ancient times all over the world. Some scholars assume cave paintings as examples of graffiti in their most general definition. Other think that samples of graffiti can be find in ancient Pompei and later in the Middle Ages on the exterior walls of churches and cathedrals. As Kaleb Neelon says, since there were people and walls, there was someone who wrote on them.
Description: Със своята дълга история, графитите варират между просто изписани думи до сложни стенни картини. Примери за тях могат да бъдат открити още в древността по целия свят. Някои учени дори допускат, че пещерните рисунки са примери за графити в най-общата им дефиниция. Други смятат, че примери за графити има в древен Помпей, а по-късно през средновековието, по екстериорните стени на църкви и катедрали. Както казва Калеб Нийлон, откакто е имало хора и стени, е имало и кой да пише върху тях.
ISSN: 2367-8038
Appears in Collections:KIN2019, Volume 5, Issue 2

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