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Title: The Two Muses of Petranka Katz
Other Titles: Двете музи на Петранка Кац
Authors: Terziev, Daniel
Keywords: Artist
Still Life
Issue Date: 29-Dec-2022
Publisher: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Citation: Terziev, D. (2022). The Two Muses of Petranka Katz, INIS Series, 2022, Special Edition, ISSN 2815-4231, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 20-29
Series/Report no.: INIS Series, 2022, Special Edition;02
Abstract: In the second half of the twentieth century, there are many artists who, for political, ideological, aesthetic, social or existential reasons, choose the forms of self-isolation, self-censorship, internal emigration, creative "hermitage", self-escape. This article presents the life and work of Petranka Katz - a significant artist from Tarnovo, who also chooses a position removed from the official artistic life in her work.
Description: През втората половина на ХХ век, много са художниците, които, по силата на политически, идеологически, естетически, социални или екзистенциални причини, избират формите на самоизолацията, автоцензурата, вътрешната емиграция, творческото "отшелничество", бягството към себе си. Настоящата статия представя живота и творчеството на Петранка Кац – значима търновска художничка, която също избира отстранена спрямо официалния художествен живот позиция в творчеството си.
ISSN: 2815-4231
Appears in Collections:INIS Series, 2022, Special edition

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